
heya bloggers! Today, July 5th 2010 such a sad day :(
Today, uri Kangin oppa will enter the army. He will enter at about 1PM KST. all of Super Junior member will accompany him until the gate. I dont know Kibum will come or not. But they said, he will. I hope so.
maybe it's impossible but i really hope, Hankyung, Zhoumi and Henry will come.
Hankyung is not Super Junior member, no it's WRONG! He will always be Super Junior member.
Henry is in Berklee now. And I think it impossible to come :((

oppa, we will be waiting for you. 2 years maybe too long, but I know we cant handle it. We are strong, you are strong, Super Junior are strong.

"oh baby say goodbye, oh jansiman goodbye~~" it is just a temporary goodbye.
we will be waiting for you. KANGIN HWAITING!!


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