Yesung's and Kibum's Birthday Project

(pls spread this project through your blog :D)

In this project,we'll put an ad in one of Indonesia's media print, Seputar Indonesia, on august 21st (for Kibum birthday) and august 24th (for yesung birthday) which is containing a birthday greeting for them.
Moreover,we'll also give our support for SJ and SS3 which will start soon in korea.

How to participate on it?
ELF could donate at least RP.50.000 for this ad.
The donation will be transferred to BCA Ervilia Lupita Adriyanti before August 18th 2010. After you've transfer you have to confirm it to 0878 8037 5887 by write down your account twitter or tweet me .
The more donation we get, the better the ad is (for big full color ad + photo, we need a big fund and it could be more than RP.500.000)

What is the purpose of this project?
Right after the ad is published, we'll scan it and show it to the member of SJ so they could know that the number of Indonesian ELF is not few. And at the end it will be a big chance too for SS3Indonesia.

So, come on join this project and don't miss it ! ^^
help us to spread this project and let's make it daebak!!

price for the ads,, we have 3 choices... (colorful ads with Kibum and Yesung photo's on it)
1. ads size 7,5x7,5cm = Rp3,5jt
2. ads size 10,5x10,5cm = Rp6,5jt
3. ads size 15x15cm = Rp12jt

so if you wanna give the best ads, please participate this project. we need lots of donations because we want to make 2 ads rite? so at least we need Rp7jt before August 18th(for Kibum ad) and August 21th (for yesung ad)

thx!! :D


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